The Night

Just as you begin to imagine that you had a good day you are getting ready for bed and it hits you. Like a truck with no brakes headed for the safety ramp horn blaring and lights flashing. You feel that emptiness all over again and you know that your night is beginning and it will be long and treacherous. Dark and dismal. Full of memories you can't afford to forget and yet some you'd rather not remember. The paradox of your life comes to life. You see his sweet face yet hear the last fight replaying over in your mind. You feel his hug but remember the last time he ran, in fact ran so far and so fast you didn't know that he had gone until he called you from Florida.
All of these random thoughts run on and on making me feel as if I am going to lose my mind. Then I gather myself together in my next breath knowing that I still have work to do here. Important work. I have two wonderful kids at home. They can't see me lose it over and over again.
Yes, the night comes in and takes my days but in the night no one can see the mess I can really be. No one can steal my solitude. My time with my son and my memories. I can wallow around in them without fear of judgement or disparaging glares.i can find my way through the night and the darkness because I know that God is always there. Day or night.
He is guiding me through this muck and mire. Leading me towards the path He has intended for me.
The night comes and I can choose, I have the choice to let it swallow me alive or allow God to  start me through the night. What my decision is not always the same but as long as I remember that I have the choice. That I am still alive, even in the night, then I am doing OK

Collin's Momma


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