Embrace What You're Feeling

Embracing all of my emotions, at first, was an issue.  I realized that I was entitled to whatever feelings happened to appear. You may experience intense anger, guilt, denial, sorrow, and fear, all of which are normal for a bereaved parent. Nothing is off the table, At times, these emotions could come up all at once. Nothing is wrong with me and I wasn't crazy. If the urge to cry comes up, just do it. Give yourself permission to feel. Keeping your emotions bottled up is just way too hard. If you keep your emotions inside, you'll only make yourself feel worse about the saddest thing you have ever experienced. Most likely you'll make yourself insane if you do. It's perfectly natural and even healthy to let yourself feel everything you can about this loss, because this will put you on the path to accepting it. The path to recovery. You won't ever fully be able to get over it, but you'll be able to build the strength to deal with the death of your child. If you don't embrace your feelings, you won't be able to move forward.
I'm not in the place where I completely understand or I've moved on. I'll never move on from my child. I will Never leave him and he will never leave me. However, I'm attempting to take steps forward daily. Along with the people I love and who love me. However, This is NOT a journey to take alone. Reach out for the hands of those you love. Hold on tight. Be honest with them. Let them know your pain. Tell them what you are feeling because they do not know. Some do not even understand and as human beings we are not mind readers. Listen to them as well, for they too have pain. It's different from yours but they suffer as well. In all of this you will discover a connection to others like you've never known before. One, because now you are listening to hear, looking to see, and holding on because of the need for love and life not just for yourself but for all humanity. I've found that it's become part of a greater purpose. You may find something different altogether. You will find something in it though, this I promise you.
So, despair not. You are not alone. Feel what you feel. Do not be ashamed. Know that you are loved beyond measure. Now go and take that first step, whatever that means for you. I promise it will be better than it was yesterday, even if only for a moment.

All My Big Love

Collin's Momma


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