My passion

A mother's true love and passion, for me anyway, was,is and always will be my children. I am a mother of five beautiful children. They are all unique in character and being. Loved long before I ever even met them. I really never understood true unconditional love other than God's love for me, until I met my kids. My Best days ever. Then it all came crashing down...

This is a new adventure/journey for me in my mother hood. Last year I lost my dear sweet baby boy Collin Gregory. He was only 22. He hadn't even really begun to live yet. My world as I knew it was ended and a new one forced upon me. It was immediately upon knowing. Knowing that his life was gone, snuffed out, his light no longer shining for all to see. The large, huge, bright Spirit filled manchild that Always tried to put on a smile for the sake of others. The giver of justice and fairness even as a child, was permanently wiped from my world. The world of my other children also changed forever all at once. My husband could not save us from our sorrow Making him feel obsolete and leaving me feeling alone and guilty. All in the name of heroin and addiction. My baby, gone forever because he couldn't shake the hold of addiction and it's power to consume everything in it's path.
This is where my journey began. Here on this place of virtual everything I will put my passion, grief, love, and action in vivid print to share with the millions of families who suffer and support one another.
I do this not just for others, for myself, for my children or family. I do this in remembrance of my Love, my passion. My son Collin and his siblings who are still here.

All of My Big Love,



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