Does Anyone Out There Truly Listen?

It has become painfully obvious to me that the culture in which we live in is one of apathy and one-sideness. Where people only care about their own personal causes and their own experiences and don't truly appreciate or care about their neighbors, friends, or even families causes, concerns, failures, pain, or triumphs!
Now I understand that this is a general statement and does not apply to all. I personally do have friends and some family who care about others.
Today happens to be a painful day in my life that probably no one is even aware of. Because it wasn't their child who died. They do not count the days since they last saw his sweet face or heard his voice or the sound of his laughter. My own husband doesn't even feel it necessary to celebrate with me or mourn in the way that I do. He doesn't grieve like I do or feel as if he needs to support my cause in supporting other parents who lost their children to overdose. I don't understand it but I just agree to disagree and that's that.
Us parents who feel like we need to speak the names of our children do feel very alone and lost alot of the time! When we speak of the opiod epidemic sweeping our nation and that is how we lost our children our audience shrinks. Our children died and yet there was no giant uproar. There are 175+ dying every day and there is no daily news report about it.
Parents sit alone in silence as they lose their babies. They cry in the dark for help that they never receive. They raise grandchildren without rights. They silently grow in numbers that should shock our nation yet somehow, the masses stay quiet.
Today I grieve not in silence! I am never silent! I will never be silent. I lost my Collin 18 months ago today! There will always be a void in my life. I have his son to love and to see grow and develop into a loving wonderful man someday. Yes! That is a miracle and I do not take that for granted! However, that won't ever replace my child! Nothing will!
Yes I have Joy! Yes I have love! Yes I have happiness! Yes I have gratitude! I still do not have one of my children!
Opiods stole my son! My son made a bad decision that took him to places that I never want to see and did things that were so far from his true character that I barely recognized him. He was a good soul! A man among men! Gone way too soon! Forever!
Does anyone truly listen to us parents who have lost in this way or is it just us United with each other?
We share love and prayers with each other. We have been to hell and back together. We are there for each other and have worn the same shoes. We need you all to know that we need supported. We need your help, to get involved. Speak our childrens names with us in the world! Help us stop the madness. Have compassion. Learn empathy.
We don't need your pity. We want to be sure you know that! Me personally, I just want you to know that I need to know that you are sharing my son's story. His name. Sharing love and light in a world of darkness. Making a difference in someone's world.
Together we can make a difference. I can't do it alone.
I miss you Collin more than I could ever have imagined! If I could be with you right now I would. That's not an I will continue to shine on and love Big like you did
If I do it right maybe someone will listen....


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