We are not alone

On most days my thoughts are a giant jumbled mass of yuck! I think you all should know this. I am not all put together. I am not well planned out. I'm a mess on a good day. However, my heart comes from a good place. I want to help. This all started because I didn't want one more mother, father, sister, brother, child, son, daughter....to go through the pain that I am going through. That my children are going through. More importantly, that my son went through. The thought of it haunts me daily.

I have days that I cannot put into words what I want to say so I simply don't. Maybe I should plainly just write that so that those going through that don't feel so alone. I feel alone on most days. In a room full of people, I feel alone. Even when my husband holds my hand, I still feel alone. There is a time When I'm praying that I don't feel quite as alone. Spiritually I feel connected. Comforted. When I'm at my support group, I don't feel as alone. I am among others who feel the same pain, they get me. I get them.

I also isolate and hide, it's safer. No one has to see the pain. I don't have to see the discomfort my pain causes anyone. My family doesn't call and I don't call them. Why? I'm not sure. Am I angry? Sometimes. Does it matter in the larger picture? I guess not.

The cold hard truth is life as I knew it is over. A new one has replaced it. I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just doing it. I'm doing the best I can every day. This blog has served as a way to express myself and maybe help someone who is going through some of the same stuff. Just know you are not alone and yes I DO HAVE BAD HORRIBLE TERRIBLE DAYS! I just don't always write about them because those days don't always make sense to me...some days just won't make sense.  It's ok, for now not to make sense. Just roll through it...


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