Missing a few pieces...

Every year Mother's Day comes and Mother's Day goes. I enjoy my own children as they have, over the years  made me cards, letters, poems, hand prints, and miscellaneous trinkets. All are so precious and priceless to me. They cannot be duplicated or replaced. Even better, these moments are etched in my memory forever. They cannot be stolen, removed, or broken in any way. Even in the tragic loss of my son I am still his Momma and our memories cannot be taken away. I will have them forever. They our mine and immoveable from my life.
Now maybe I am so taken by these moments because I don't have my own Mom with me. She was taken from me so young. She was taken before she got to see all the cards, handprints, trinkets, flowers in paper cups, and I Love My Mommy poems. Before milestones like school plays,choir show cases, ball games, proms, graduations, weddings, babies, and so much more.
I muddled along, filling the void in my heart left by the absence of my Mother. Recent events of the past few years, especially this last year, has my heart and my mind wandering to thoughts of her. Her touch, her voice, her eyes, her smell, her kind heart and words. These are the very few memories I carry with me. I have wondered if that if she were here with me would things be better, less painful. Would my family be less torn apart by all the tradgedy? Would there have been any of the tradgedies at all had she been in my life? It's thoughts like these that get me into trouble....the fact of the matter is I miss her, but I am still her daughter and she is still my mother! NO ONE  ever took her place. I miss her more than I can put into words. However, just as she is still my Mother, I am still a mother of 5 children. Even though one is missing from me, I am still his Momma!
I miss him with every fiber of my being. Yet I am blessed beyond measure for my God bestowed upon me 5 beautiful children to Love and share all that I have and all that I am and all that I ever will be here on this earth while I am with them. That is what she would have taught me and raised me to do. Love beyond measure...Yes, she loved me beyond measure! Just as I love my children. All of them. To the moon and back! More than all the stars in the sky! More than the warmest of sunshine on my face! Until my last breath! I will love you my children! Even then I will love you into eternity 💙


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