Collin Gregory Seagriff 11/23/2017 ***Overdose Awareness Day

This has been one heck of a roller coaster ride! Over the last 8 months since my son died I have seen more, heard more, felt more, cried more, and done more involving overdose than I ever thought about in my entire 48 years of life. That to me is sad. I should have been more involved from the beginning! Not just for my son's sake but for the masses of others out there suffering. My heart is not just breaking because my son is erased needlessly from this world but also because there are more dying every single day!
Collin would have hated all of this. He was kind and loving. His heart would also be broken for people he's never met. Broken for the thousands of people without faces to so many but for us they more than just matter, they are connected by a common thread that can't be cut. Like a part of us, family of sorts. So this fight doesn't end just because my son is no longer here. It will go on!
So on this day of overdose awareness, I beseech of you to search deep inside of your own hearts. DIG DEEP if you have to. Step inside the shoes of those of us living without our children, our loved ones. Say a prayer, lend a hand, choose your words better, judge less, love more, hold out your hand and help someone else up instead of putting them down! Fight for someone who you may not understand but you know they just can't seem to help themselves. Just try a little bit harder to be a part of the solution. Even one less death, o e less family left to suffer is a step in the right direction.
I'm doing what I can may not be everything but it's something. I do it for love of my son and my family.
I love and Collin Gregory Seagriff
Into my eternity 💙


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