Never Forget

Sometime in the middle of the night around 2am I get a text from my oldest son saying he can't stop watching this video. He can't stop crying. I don't receive this text until 9 upon Awakening. I ask him what video? What are talking about? Then it hits me that the boys from our local High School must have finished and released the finished product and I just hadn't heard anything from them.
My eldest son Cody had been tagged in it on Facebook and seen it before even knowing what it was. Collins fiance also was tagged. I watched it for the first time this morning. Tears streaming down my face with my baby Caroline by my side. It kind of was like reliving that moment all over again. Only this time, I knew I was doing it for a greater purpose. To hopefully save a life and honor my son's life.
My poor kids. They are all so devastated still. Just yesterday my two older boys both called and texted me one crying one just telling me how wrecked he still is. Just the devastating effect that this has left on all of us leaves me breathless at times. Then the very next day we hear of this video and BAM like a shot to the head from a baseball! Leaves you spinning and a heck of a headache! It never ends.
Caroline quietly just stands up and says that she's going to her room now. I can't even speak. Then she asks moments later if she can go over to her cousins and help her get ready for her birthday party. So much like her momma. She stays busy helping so she doesn't have to feel the immense pain in her chest. She puts on her best smile and moves forward without thought. She is tougher than the rest! It worries me.
God bless my kids for they know not how much it kills me daily and how scared I am to lose one. I let them go though. I watch them grow scared as hell! Wondering if they will be here with me until​ my last breath. I hold on to every moment and cherish them. I watch every movement and smile. I tell them every freaking chance I get how much I love them.
I don't miss a moment. Never again will I miss a moment.
Moments were stolen from us! Collin we love and miss you! We will honor you and never let them forget! 💙


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