Living Beyond the Fear

I have lived beyond fear. Lived beyond giving a shit. There's nothing more dangerous than someone Living in fear. Fear can make you do unthinkable and unreasonable things.
I watched first hand what fear can do to a person and I've also lived it. I believe that fear played a huge role in my son's ultimate death.
He didn't get to live long enough to live past the fear into his true strength. To feel the true power of God working in him. He was still so young and so vulnerable to the outside world and all of it's influences. Yes, I know all the stories of how he was so tough and such a scraper. How he wasn't scared of anything! That was just a facade he wore.
I was his Momma first and foremost. I saw the pain and heard the fear in his voice. I saw the tears. I got the late night phone calls. Now, only God truly knows what was on Collins heart. As his Momma, I had a good idea, but I couldn't Always see the truth. Being blinded by the love for your child can be painful.
Feeling fear for your child, feeling helpless, hopeless, and not seeing the light for your child is Never a place I thought I'd ever be. How ever it is we got to that place, it was a travesty, not for me though, but for my son. My pain during all of those years never could match whatever Collin was going through. I can't even imagine how he must have felt.
Those feelings took him down a dark and winding road. A road that I eventually had to find  and go to. Once there, at least I had a light to guide my way. What I found there is beyond words. The guilt, shame, anger, fear, and just plain loneliness he must have felt had to be insurmountable!
His disease led him there. My love could not bring him back. He couldn't even feel the love of His Heavenly Father. Only Collin admitting that there was a problem could have shone a light in that darkness. Breaking the cycle of Addiction to save his own life. Stopping that demon of fear from cutting off his lifeline.
I'm trying everyday to come to terms with this. Trying to get this message out there to help other families who struggle daily with the same. The hurt. The pain. The shame. The guilt. The fear. If it doesn't stop it may just kill us all. Stop the silence. Break the chains that bind you and yours. It will save you from all that darkness and shine that light and help you live beyond it.

All My Love to You


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