Just a Thought

Ya know, every day that passes, my mind goes to places unseen by anyone but my kids or I and those who knew us best... sometimes they are beautiful places, other times places of regret. Mostly, I just get to remember the love shared between all of us. I am trying to find peace and comfort in the madness of our lives. Anyone who knew all of us, Collin and his 4 beautiful siblings, and I mean truly knew what was written on our hearts! Well, we have a love that even death cannot steal from us. This is where I will find my peace, the legacy in which we all can share with Brayden and Dylan's soon to be new addition and any others that come to Bless our lives. Our hearts may always have a place not filled, a void left behind, but we will always have room for more love to grow and to share 💙
More lessons for me to learn and more Joy in life to live 🌞
Love you still and always will


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