My Collin's Babies First Easter
Easter has always been an important time in our house. Yes we celebrate the traditional Easter Bunny and baskets full of candy. However, this Easter seems to be harder on me than last. I guess seeing my grandson hold his stuffed bunny and chew on his little rubber bunny bendy sticks brought back so many memories. They are all good of course. One in particular sticks out in my head more than others. Collin was about 4, and we had an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard in the apartments that we lived at. We had, must have been about 50 eggs all over. That boy loved his Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. We put change in with the candy and had so much fun doing it. There was all kinds of candy. But what we didn't know was that the squirrels cracked open the eggs with the peanut butter eggs in them and ate the Reese's cups. So when the boys, Collin and Cody, found their prizes, all that were left were the wrappers and change. We all laughed so hard are belly's and cheeks hurt. I ca